First Nations

Welcome to the Library website for all First Nations students. It will help you navigate our range of support services, resources and collections. All our resources and collections featured here will be helpful to any student or researcher requiring access to quality information on First Nations topics.

Our collection may contain images, voices and names of people who have passed, and be considered insensitive or inappropriate. Content of items in our collection reflects the authors attitude and time when written, not the views of the Library. We use First Nations subject headings from the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) when describing our resources in Primo. We thank AIATSIS for sharing this valuable knowledge.

Cultural warning

Services and support

Meet the team of Library Advisers for First Nations students.

Library skills and resources

Learn how to find information for your assessments and discover the best collections and databases on First Nations topics.

Resources for researchers

Explore the great range of library guides, collections and resources on First Nations topics for researchers.

Making our libraries culturally safe

Charles Sturt Library aims to build a culturally safe and inclusive environment for First Nations students. This includes our physical and online spaces and collections.

We have consulted with First Nations students and staff and have implemented the following actions:

  • Updated relevant records in Primo Search with First Nation language names, AIATSIS subject headings and cultural warnings.
  • Expanded our collection of First Nations authored works and created a First Nations Knowledges Collection.
  • Integrated First Nations perspectives into Information literacy classes and removed the deficit discourse surrounding First Nations peoples in Library resources.
  • Showcased more First Nations artwork, created physical displays featuring First Nations authored books and promoted significant First Nations events.
  • Provided trauma-informed training for our staff to enhance our cultural competence and foster positive experiences for First Nations library users.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on these initiatives. Contact us with your feedback or concerns.

Help us on our ongoing journey of learning and improvement!

Respecting First Nations ways of knowing, being and doing

At Charles Sturt, our communities respect First Nations ways of knowing, being and doing. It’s how we work together to connect new technologies with traditional knowledge systems to protect and recover our ecosystems. It’s how we connect all students to educational opportunities to allow them to reach their full potentials. It’s how we create a world worth living in.

News and events