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Learn about the importance of copyright and what you need to know as a researcher.
Copyright law grants a set of exclusive rights to creators of original works. Protection is automatic.
Although Copyright Law may vary in different countries, the basic principle is to protect the rights of the creator, regardless of their country of origin, while balancing the needs of users. The laws of each country apply to copying done in that country.
As a researcher, it's essential for you to have an understanding of copyright. You may need to use work of others in your own work for publication. Examples include:
To do this you need to ensure that you have the necessary permission. Learn about this and much more in our Copyright Guide.
The library also offers in-depth training sessions on a range of topics. You can either watch a recorded session or enrol in one of our workshops.
You can find a list of all the professional development (PD) events and sessions in this calendar.
Authorship and Copyright for Theses and Publication