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Well planned and managed research data will have many benefits:
Research Data Management (RDM) is a recommendation of the Australian Code for Responsible Conduct of Research. It is also required by many funding bodies.
Charles Sturt has established an RDM policy which requires all active research projects (whether funded externally or not) to have a RDM Plan.
Find out more about the importance of research data management from the team at RWTH Aachen University in Germany.
This video covers the following topics about RDM:
This guide provides a wide range of information to support researchers and higher degree research candidates. It will help you plan, manage, publish and deposit research data in an appropriate institutional storage or archives.
This short video presents a concise overview of the composition of a typical Research Data Plan.
This template has been created to help researchers develop an RDM plan. The template also contains advice on data storage options as well as where to get help.
Before using the RDM template, work through the RDM learning modules in Brightspace. To enrol, email:
The library also offers in-depth training sessions on a range of topics. You can either watch a recorded session or enrol in one of our workshops.
You can find a list of all the professional development (PD) events and sessions in this calendar.
You can watch recorded sessions from our online workshops.