Your hub of library services, information and resources.
Academic Skills team provide help with APA referencing.
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We work with our partners to provide you with library services if you are studying with one of the institutes below.
If you're a Charles Sturt University student enrolled through one of our partner institutions, these library services and resources are available to you.
Students on the pathway program (Diploma of General Studies) can use the online resources and on-campus services from the Charles Sturt Library.
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The University Library Australia and New Zealand (ULANZ) Borrowing Scheme
Charges apply at some participating libraries
You can use Eduroam to access wi-fi at Charles Sturt University campuses and connect at other participating institutions.
If you're a Charles Sturt University student enrolled through one of our offshore partners you can use the Charles Sturt University library online resources.
If you're a Charles Sturt University student studying at one of these institutes, you can use Charles Sturt University Library online resources and delivery services.