Online Library Workshops

Get the most out of your library and prepare for study success with our library workshops. Choose from a range of live and on-demand workshops that are accessible at any time.

Live workshops are delivered at the start of each session via Zoom. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom room link. Make sure you keep this email.

If you have a disability or medical condition and require assistance to participate, please contact the Library's Accessibility and Inclusion team for options.

Sign up for a live workshop or watch now

Online Library 101

In this short workshop we’ll showcase the Library website and highlight a range of online library resources and services.

We'll also have time to answer any questions you have about the Library.

Duration: 15 minutes + 15 minutes Q&A

eBook essentials: Your textbooks online

eBooks can be a great alternative to print books, and the Library has more than 100,000 ebooks in our collection. This workshop covers finding, accessing, and using eBooks for study.

Library Research: Finding Journal Articles

This introductory workshop will explain: the concept of peer-review; how to analyse your assessment question to develop a basic search strategy; how to find scholarly journal articles in Primo Search; and how to check a journal article’s peer-review status.

Library Research: Using Library Databases

Library databases can be rather daunting, but they are incredibly useful assets.

Learn about: What databases are and why they are useful; selecting an appropriate database to meet your information needs; using the EBSCOhost and Informit platforms to locate relevant resources for a topic; and refining your searches using effective search strategies and techniques.

Library Research: Advanced Database Searching

Are you ready to use databases at a more advanced level? This workshop covers advanced searching and the more sophisticated features of databases.

Learn about: Using thesaurus lists and terms in your search; some more advanced features of databases; changing databases within a platform; and creating a personal account to save and retrieve a search.

Discover EndNote

This workshop is for those who have already completed our online Discover EndNote modules and understand EndNote basics.

Learn how to: Import references and PDFs; edit references to comply with APA; create groups in your EndNote Library; manage citations in Word.  PC and Mac users welcome.

Duration: 1 hour