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Academic Skills team provide help with APA referencing.
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Charles Sturt Library aims to ensure that all staff and students living with a disability are able to access our facilities, resources and services.
Students seeking accessible formats of library resources should first register with the University's Accessibility and Inclusion Services.
We offer personalised support for undergraduate, postgraduate and HDR students in:
We also have available fully captioned videos and workshop recordings about library support services.
Our Getting started modules will help you find key resources to assist with your study.
All Learning Commons buildings are accessible to those with limited mobility and there are accessible toilets available. Lift access is available at Bathurst, Orange, Port Macquarie and Wagga Wagga.
You can find out about the location of your learning commons building from Our campuses.
Assistive Technology rooms are located in the Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst and Wagga Wagga Learning Commons buildings. These rooms are accessible 24/7 for registered students seeking quiet study spaces or to use assistive equipment and software. Stand-alone Assistive Technology computers are located at Dubbo, Orange and Port Macquarie.
The Screen readers guide provides a list of recommended free text to speech software or tools. You can also borrow or access free trials of assistive software to suit your needs from the university’s Accessibility and Inclusion team.
Further information can be found on the Assistive Technology page.
Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange, Port Macquarie:
Name: David Anderson
Phone: +61 2 6365 7595
Albury-Wodonga, Wagga Wagga:
Name: Toby Mobbs
Phone: +61 2 6051 9333